According to the federal prevention guidelines, the EPFL+ECAL Lab has taken the necessary measures to maintain its activity. In order to preserve the health of our employees and our students, research work continues remotely and courses are given online. Only user tests that involve a physical presence have been postponed to a later date.
The EPFL+ECAL Lab, in collaboration with Idiap Research Institute, the psychology department of the University of Fribourg and the RTS Radio Télévision Suisse Romande, is conducting a research project in order to understand how design can influence the trust linked to content aggregation algorithms.
Your opinion counts! Please take this survey to share your opinion on the design of this new tool:
The survey is in French and lasts approximately 30 minutes. Your participation gives you the right to participate in a draw to win one of the two CHF 20.– Galaxus vouchers.
For further information, please contact Hélène Portier: